Our Christmas Tree in Egypt |
Amid all the chaos here in Egypt right now we have just been trying to make things as normal as possible for the kids: Soccer games, school functions, dinners at Gaya Korean restaurant, and.... Christmas. With the holiday season coming it has been a bit of a difficult task. Thankfully many of the local garden shops and stores have trees and decorations for sale. It is hard to get in the Christmas spirit so far away from family back home and in a land where Christmas is just a holiday celebrated by "others".
We didn't bring our Christmas decorations to Egypt so this year we've had fun making our own. My daughters have interesting senses of humor and so our tree has a bit of the "Nightmare Before Christmas" feel to it. I like it!
We bought our tree down the road at a nearby garden shop and one of the employees followed us back to our apartment, winding thorough nighttime traffic with our tree in a wheelbarrow. My husband played DJ and picked out some really odd Christmas tunes on Youtube while we decorated the tree.
I made a couple of crocheted toys to hang and my oldest daughter crocheted a chain in Christmas colors to add as a garland. We also added a few Barbie heads, some origami animals, and a few other homemade goodies... We draped some lights and garlands over it all and now we have a pretty tree to bring a little Christmas spirit into the house. Now I just need to figure out what to do about our stockings...
Merry Christmas Y'all!
Mummified Snowman |
Our Angel at the top of the tree |
More fun with Barbie heads. |
Crocheted Sugar Skull Ornament |
Fun with Origami |
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