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Mushroom Finger Puppet

Level: Beginner Materials: E or F hook  worsted weight yarn in two colors for the stem and the cap. yarn needle Stitches: ch- chain stitch  sc- single crochet  inc- increase or single crochet twice into one stitch  hdc-half double crochet hdc inc- make 2 hdc in one stitch fl- front loop (half double crochet in front loops only) Instructions: Start with the color you want for the cap Round 1: SC 6 into a magic circle Round 2: Inc in each stitch to make 12 Round 3- In front loops only *hdc, hdc inc* around to make 18 Round 4-hdc 18 around  Round 5- sc 18 around and tie off Round 6- Turn the cap of the mushroom over and find the back loos from round 3. Pull your stem color through the loop, chain one and sc in the same back loop. Then sc in all the back loops around.for a total or 12. Rounds 7-14  (or until stem reaches the desired length) sc around. (12)
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